New Eternia Bios

Alphabetical order

Battle Armor He-Man — Most Powerful Armor in the Universe!

Donning his powerful Battle Armor, General Adam sailed farther than any ship in the Eternos Armada in search of the mythical Isle of Grayskull and the legendary Power Sword. Upon finding the sword, he says “I have the Power” and transforms into He-Man, the Most Powerful Man in the Universe.

Battle Armor Skeletor — Protection powered by Evil Magic!

In his quest for the last remnants of Castle Grayskull, Skeletor discovers the ancient Battle Armor artifact to aid him in his nefarious schemes.

Beast Man

— Tribal Leader! [2022]

Shaman of the Seven Savage Tribes that dwell within the majestic jungles of Eternia, Beast Man defeated the mighty bear demon and earned the right to lead his people. Then they mysteriously disappeared. Now he searches all corners of the planet for his tribe. Nothing can stop him from reuniting them under his care. Not the barbaric He-Man. Not even the evil Skeletor.

— Savage Henchman! [2025]

The leader of the warrior tribe made an unwilling deal with a demon, as Beast Man commands all forces of the wild jungle to fight for Skeletor's cause to claim New Eternia for his own.

Buzz-Off — Spy in the Sky!

After the Cataclysm destroyed the Great Queen’s Nest, Eternia’s Bee People known as The Andreenids nearly collapsed as a society. They were saved by the warrior-lord Buzz-Off, who reclaimed order and set off to establish a new home for his people as their king.

Clawful — Warrior with a Grip of Evil!

The nightmarish legends of Clawful are well-known among the sea-faring adventurers of New Eternia. The king of the Claw People can shipwreck an entire vessel with a single snap. He has been rumored to pillage the wreckage and drag seafarers to the deepest, darkest waters. Captains change course at the mere mention of his name. But they are only rumors.. aren’t they?

Evil-Lyn — Evelyn Morgan Powers

Evelyn Morgan sold her soul to the Subternian Warrior Goddess. She was given powers beyond her dark imagination, changing her forever into Evil-Lyn.

Faker — Evil Robot of Skeletor!

In his efforts to become the most powerful being in Eternia, Skeletor needed a vessel to harness the Power of Grayskull. The evil lord combined mad science and dark magic to create Faker, a being strong enough to contain the energy of the universe, and controllable enough to be wielded against his enemies.

Fisto — Heroic Master of Hand-to-Hand Combat!

After his hand was severed by Skeletor, Malcolm bonded with the mystic Iron Fist. Now Fisto tracks the nefarious sorcerer across New Eternia in search of revenge.

Flying Fists He-Man — Heroic Leader with Arm Swinging Action!

He-Man discovers an ancient weapon fueled by the Power of Grayskull long thought lost, which shows him the way of the Flying Fists.

He-Man — Most Powerful Man in the Universe!

The most powerful man in the universe explores the world of Eternia, seeking to stop the sinister Skeletor from forging the Scimitar of Chaos. He can feel the twilight of the world coming; he can feel it in his bones. He must find the megalomaniacal madman and put an end to his havoc once and for all. The fate of the universe demands it.

Horde Trooper — Evil Enforcer of Hordak!

The Evil Horde Empire spreads across the decimated remains of New Eternia like a virus. Hordak commands his legions of Horde Troopers to attack and take all as prisoners, each destined for the Fright Zone. These pitiable souls are then mind-wiped, brainwashed, and retrained as Horde Troopers, perpetuating the cycle until Hordak rules the entire planet.

Jitsu — Master of Martial Arts!

Rescued from Point Dread Prison by Prince Adam to aid in the search for the Isle of Grayskull, Jitsu - the mysterious man from Gretori -knows more about the legends than anyone in Eternos. Mistrusted as a thief, the master of Martial Arts shows his true colors, aligning with He-Man in the fight to protect Eternia and the Universe.

King Randor — Heroic Ruler of Eternia!

King Randor leads his royal forces across New Eternia searching for the lost Power of Grayskull and spreading good across the planet, earning him the nickname "The King Abroad."

Man-At-Arms — Heroic Master of Weapons!

The last thing Duncan remembered was He-Man shouting, “By the Power of Grayskull!” Reality cracked, and all went dark. Suddenly, Man-At-Arms found himself in New Eternia, one broken and in need of repair.

Man-E-Faces — Human… Robot… Monster

When Castle Grayskull shattered New Eternia, the mind of an adventurer shattered with it. Now known as Man-E-Faces, his curse forces him into the faces of many beings, from human to monster to robot, each with its own memory and agenda. Little does he know, the combined memories of his many faces are the map for restoring Eternia to glory.

Mekaneck — Heroic Human Periscope!

Captain of King Randor’s submarine squadron, Mekaneck searches for the broken pieces of Grayskull in the darkest depths of the ocean, hoping to restore New Eternia to its former glory.

Mer-Man — Ocean Warlord!

With New Eternia shattered into thousands of islands, Mer-Man terrorizes everyone foolish enough to travel the oceans in search of Castle Grayskull!

Ram Man — Heroic Battering Ram!

A one-man wrecking crew, the hard-headed warrior known as Ram Man can break down any door, crumble any tower, and even turn a mountain into rubble. For a price, of course. He is untrusting of anyone, but has a reputation of being a man of his word. The battlecharger and last of the Stoneskulls searches New Eternia for clues to his long lost lineage.

Roboto — Mechanical Warrior!

Skeletor stole away with Man-At-Arms' latest creation, Roboto. Using his diabolical Havoc Magic, Skeletor reprograms the artificial intelligence to do his evil bidding.

Skelcon — Evil Foot Solder of Skeletor!

The horned demons from the Dimension of Infinita have been summoned by their master, Skeletor, to scour New Eternia for the remnants of the Power of Grayskull!

Skeletor — Evil Lord of Destruction!

Using his mastery of mystical havoc energy, the madman Skeletor uncovered the violent spell that can forge the Scimitar of Chaos - a weapon that collects souls and grants ultimate power to he who wields it. In an undisciplined hand, however, it will bring about the end of Eternia. To be a master of the universe, he must first master death. But at what cost?

Skeletor and Bone Throne

From deep within Snake Mountain, Skeletor rules from the Bone Throne. An ancient artifact crafted by the original inhabitants of Snake Mountain from the poisoned bones of Wyverns, the Bone Throne now serves as a conduit for Skeletor’s Havoc Magic to seek out and capture the Power of Grayskull.

Snout Spout — The Heroic Water-Blasting Firefighter!

When the evil forces of Eternia pillage towns, Snout Spout charges into blazing infernos set by their torches to save the villages from its intruders, be they Skeletor or the Evil Horde.

Stratos — Winged Warrior!

The once-majestic Mystic Mountains now lay scattered in ruined shards across the oceans of Eternia. Stratos reforms Avion as a nest of island outposts, protecting ships from pirates, marauders, and - worst of all - Mer-Man and his suboceanic monstrosities. Through hardship and turmoil, Stratos proves to be the most resilient of New Eternia’s warriors.

Sy-Klone — Heroic Fist-Flinging Tornado!

The gale force winds of New Eternia blast across the decimated planet, with the storms herald, Sy-Klone, at its helm!

Thunder Punch He-Man — Heroic Leader with a Power Punch!

He-Man dons the ancient Thunder Punch Armor, and defends the recovered arcane artifact, the Eye of Grayskull, against Skeletor’s entire army.

Trap Jaw — Evil & Armed for Combat!

Victory was in reach, as Trap Jaw raised his cybernetic claw over Man-At-Arms. As He-Man summoned the Power of Grayskull, Trap Jaw suddenly crossed dimensions into a shattered world, New Eternia.

Tri-Klops — Evil & Sees Everything!

The technomancer’s latest mechanical masterpiece worked perfectly. Dubbed The Multi-Visor, Tri-Klops gazed into the Paradimension and discovered a New Eternia, where the Power of Grayskull was up for grabs.

Two Bad — Double-Headed Evil Strategist!

Once the respective captains of competing mercenary ships, Tuvar and Baddrah both had their eyes on the legendary treasure of the Horde Prime. The treasure, however, came with a curse. It fused the rival captains together, who now terrorize New Eternia as Two Bad. With his combined knowledge, Two Bad could rule the universe… if it weren’t also for his combined ego.

Vykron — Ultimate Eternian Champion!

From Eternia’s past comes a legendary champion from the gladiator arena - Vykron. He took on all challenges, no matter the foe or terrain. After each victory, Vykron would claim the armor and weapons of his opponents. He would then take the time to master each weapon and their battle techniques, becoming a one-man arsenal in the ring.

Webstor — Evil Master of Escape!

Many moons ago, when Castle Grayskull shattered into the seven winds, pieces of it fell into Webstor’s web. Now the devious trap master lies patiently in waiting on the Isle of Arachnia. He knows that’s its only a matter of time before another greedy adventurer wanders into his lair, seeking treasure or even the Power of Grayskull itself.

Whiplash — Tail-Thrashing Warrior!

The chaotic Cataclysm that shattered New Eternia ripped open a portal to a terrifying dimension known as the Demon Zone, home of the powerful reptilian race, the Caligar, and their leader, Whiplash. The merciless brute conquers New Eternia island by island, as he crushes all who stand in his way with the savage power of his thick-hided tail.

Zodac — Cosmic Enforcer!

Few are more powerful than the omnipotent master of the cosmos, Zodac. As the keeper of the neutral balance between good and evil, the Cosmic Enforcer’s universal travels return him to Eternia - home of Castle Grayskull, the Nexus of Realities, and the center of the multiverse. For a threat to the cosmic balance can come from anywhere, at any time.

Release Order

  • Wave 4 - He-Man 
  • Wave 4 - Skeletor
  • Wave 5 - Beast Man
  • Wave 5 - Zodac
  • Wave 6 - Battle Armor He-Man
  • Wave 6 - Jitsu
  • Wave 7 - Stratos
  • Wave 7 - Two Bad
  • Wave 8 - Man-E-Faces
  • Wave 9 - Buzz-Off
  • Wave 9 - Clawful
  • Wave 9 - Faker
  • Wave 9 - Ram Man
  • Wave 9 - Whiplash
  • Wave 10 - Webstor
  • Wave 11 - Man-At-Arms
  • Wave 11 - Trap Jaw
  • Wave 12 - Mekaneck
  • Wave 12 - Tri-Klops
  • Wave 13 - Thunder Punch He-Man
  • Wave 14 - Battle Armor Skeletor
  • Wave 14 - Mer-Man
  • Wave 14 - Bone Throne Skeletor
  • Wave 15 - Evil-Lyn
  • Wave 15 - Fisto
  • Wave 15 - Flying Fists He-Man
  • Wave 16 - Beast Man
  • Wave 16 - King Randor
  • Wave 16 - Roboto
  • Wave 16 - Skelcon

1 comment:

  1. So whats going on with the scrimter of chaos plot line they mention it in the begining and then nothing?
