Here is an Index with the different denizens mentioned in the New Eternia packaging bios, comic issues and more!
(*The comic issue #3 references are included in this list, but marked in italic as the stories inside that issue seemingly contradict aspects in the packaging bios' story...)

Baddrah → See Two Bad
- Two Bad bio [2023]
Bear Demon
- Beast Man bio [2022]
Beast Man
- Beast Man bio [2022]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
- Tri-Klops boxart [2024]
- Mer-Man boxart [2024]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne boxart [2024]
- Beast Man bio [2025]
- Clawful bio [2023]
- Battle Armor Skeletor boxart [2024]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne boxart [2024]
- Evil-Lyn bio [2025]
- Faker bio [2023]
- Fisto bio [2025]
General Adam → See Prince Adam
- Battle Armor He-Man bio [2022]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
- He-Man bio [2022]
- Beast Man bio [2022]
- Zodac boxart [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023] - *[Viking design] also referenced as Adam Randorson
- Jitsu bio [2023]
- Man-At-Arms bio [2024]
- Trap Jaw bio [2024]
- Thunder Punch He-Man bio [2024]
- Flying Fists He-Man bio [2025]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023] - *visual only
- Horde Trooper bio [2024]
Horde Prime
- Two Bad bio [2023]
Horde Trooper
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023] - *visual only
- Horde Trooper bio [2024]
- Jitsu bio [2022]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
- Man-At-Arms bio [2024]
- Trap Jaw bio [2024]
- Man-E-Faces bio [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
- Mer-Man boxart [2024]
- Mekaneck bio [2024]
- Stratos bio [2023]
- Mer-Man bio [2024]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne boxart [2024]
Moss Man
- Beast Man boxart [2025]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
King Hiss
- Snout Spout boxart [2024] - *as a statue
- Battle Armor Skeletor boxart [2024]
King Randor
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023] - *as Chieftain Randor the Red
- Mekaneck bio [2024]
- King Randor bio [2025]
Prince Adam
- Jitsu bio [2023]
Queen Marlena
- King Randor boxart [2025]
Ram Man
- Ram Man bio [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
- JRoboto bio [2025]
- Evil-Lyn boxart [2025]
- Skelcon bio [2025]
- Skeletor bio [2022]
- Beast Man bio [2022]
- He-Man bio [2022]
- Zodac boxart [2023]
- Faker boxart [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
- Faker bio [2023]
- Snout Spout bio [2024]
- Tri-Klops boxart [2024]
- Thunder Punch He-Man bio [2024]
- Battle Armor Skeletor bio [2024]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne [2024]
- Skelcon bio [2025]
- Fisto bio [2025]
- Roboto boxart [2025]
- Beast Man bio [2025]
Snout Spout
- Snout Spout bio [2024]
- Stratos bio [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
Subternian Warrior Goddess
- Evil-Lyn bio [2025]
- Sy-Klone bio [2024]
Thunder Punch He-Man
- Thunder Punch He-Man bio [2024]
Trap Jaw
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
- Trap Jaw bio [2024]
- Trap Jaw boxart [2024]
- Tri-Klops bio [2024]
Tuvar → See Two Bad
- Two Bad bio [2023]
Two Bad
- Two Bad bio [2023]
- Flying Fists He-Man boxart [2024]
- Vykron bio [2024]
- Webstor bio [2023]
- Whiplash bio [2023]
- Zodac bio [2023]

- Skeletor and Bone Throne boxart [2024]
- Evil-Lyn boxart [2025]
- Panthor bio [2025]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne boxart [2024]
Snake Mountain lizards
- Skeletor and Bone Throne boxart [2024]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne bio [2024]
Armor of Orion
- Mattel Creations' website Vykron blurb text [2024]
- Vykron boxart [2024]
Barbarian Armor
- Mattel Creations' website Vykron blurb text [2024]
- Vykron boxart [2024]
Battle Armor (He-Man)
- Battle Armor He-Man bio [2022]
Battle Armor (Skeletor)
- Battle Armor Skeletor bio [2024]
Bone Throne
- Skeletor and Bone Throne bio [2024]
Eagle Tank Armor
- Mattel Creations' website Vykron blurb text [2024]
- Vykron boxart [2024]
Evil-Lyn's Wand
- Battle Armor Skeletor boxart [2024]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne boxart [2024]
Eye of Grayskull
- Thunder Punch He-Man bio [2024]
Flying Fists
- Flying Fists He-Man bio [2025]
Horde Prime’s Treasure
- Two Bad bio [2023]
Iron Fist
- Fisto bio [2025]
- Tri-Klops bio [2024]
Power Sword
- Battle Armor He-Man bio [2022]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
Scimitar of Chaos, the
- He-Man bio [2022]
- Skeletor bio [2022]
Thunder Punch Armor
- Thunder Punch He-Man bio [2024]
- Stratos bio [2023]
- Skelcon boxart [2025]
Castle Grayskull
- Zodac bio [2023]
- Man-E-Faces bio [2023]
- Webstor bio [2023]
- Webstor boxart [2023]
- Trap Jaw boxart [2024]
- Mer-Man bio [2024]
Demon Zone
- Whiplash bio [2023]
Dimension of Infinita
- Skelcon bio [2025]
Eternia [original]
- Zodac bio [2023]
- Man-E-Faces bio [2023]
- Jitsu bio [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
Fright Zone
- Horde Trooper bio [2024]
- Jitsu bio [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
Isle of Arachnia
- Webstor bio [2023]
Isle of Grayskull, the
- Battle Armor He-Man bio [2022]
- Jitsu bio [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
Jungles of Eternia
- Beast Man bio [2022]
Mystic Mountains
- Stratos bio [2023]
New Eternia
- Stratos bio [2023]
- Clawful bio [2023]
- Two Bad bio [2023]
- Man-E-Faces bio [2023]
- Ram Man bio [2023]
- Whiplash bio [2023]
- Man-At-Arms bio [2024]
- Trap Jaw bio [2024]
- Mekaneck bio [2024]
- Tri-Klops bio [2024]
- Sy-Klone bio [2024]
- Mer-Man bio [2024]
- Horde Trooper bio [2024]
- Skelcon bio [2025]
- Fisto bio [2025]
- King Randor bio [2025]
- Beast Man bio [2025]
Nexus of Realities, the
- Zodac bio [2023]
Point Dread
- Jitsu bio [2023]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #2 [2023]
Snake Mountain
- Skeletor and Bone Throne bio [2024]
- Evil-Lyn bio [2025]
- Buzz-Off bio [2023]
- Skelcon boxart [2025]
Blue Warriors
- Tri-Klops boxart [2024]
- Whiplash bio [2023]
Claw people, the
- Clawful bio [2023]
- Mekaneck boxart [2024]
Rock People
- Roboto boxart [2025]
Seven Savage Tribes, the
- Beast Man bio [2022]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
Stone People
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
- Ram Man bio [2022]
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
Evil Horde
- Snout Spout bio [2024]
Masters of the Universe
- Masters of the Universe Masterverse – issue #3 [2023]
Royal Palace Guards / Royal Forces
- Man-At-Arms boxart [2024]
- Horde Trooper boxart [2024]
- King Randor bio [2025]
Snake Men
- Battle Armor Skeletor boxart [2024]
- Buzz-Off bio [2023]
- Whiplash bio [2023}
- Man-At-Arms bio [2024]
Eternos Armada
- Battle Armor He-Man bio [2022]
Evil Horde Empire
- Horde Trooper bio [2024]
Great Queen’s Nest, the
- Buzz-Off bio [2023]
Havoc Energy / Magic
- Skeletor bio [2022]
- Skeletor and Bone Throne bio [2024]
- Roboto bio [2025]
King Randor’s Submarine Squadron
- Mekaneck bio [2024]
Paradimension, the
- Tri-Klops bio [2024]
The last remnants / power / broken pieces of Castle Grayskull
- Mekaneck bio [2024]
- Battle Armor Skeletor bio [2024]
- Skelcon bio [2025]
- King Randor bio [2025]
Battle Ram
- Man-At-Arms boxart [2024]
Queen Marlena's Space ship
- King Randor boxart [2025]
Wind Raider
- Man-At-Arms boxart [2024]
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