New Eternia Bios - He-Man [2022]

He-Man - Most Powerful Man in the Universe!

New Eternia Bios

The most powerful man in the universe explores the world of Eternia, seeking to stop the sinister Skeletor from forging the Scimitar of Chaos. He can feel the twilight of the world coming; he can feel it in his bones. He must find the megalomaniacal madman and put an end to his havoc once and for all. The fate of the universe demands it.

New Eternia Artwork


Main backside artwork

Main backside artwork larger version

Earlier version by the artist, before the decision to include the helmet and shoulder pads.


Side artwork

Side artwork - variant without He-Man's face behind the character

Wave 4 (2022)

Packaging art by: Nate Baertsch


The artist used generic creatures and monsters from vintage Masters of the Universe mini-comics (example "The Dragon's Gift" with art by Alfredo Alcala) as inspiration for the creatures seen in the packaging front artwork.

"The Dragon's Gift" mini-comic reference

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